Monday, May 9, 2011

Green Smoothies

Okay... I'm adding green smoothies to our diet.  After seeing an ND for the last 3 months, I've decided that a change in our diet is necessary.  I've slowly been adding more fruits and veggies, fish and healthier grains to our diet and have just started on the green smoothie path...

I'll start posting some recipes that the kids actually drink.  Unfortunately, DH refuses to try them.  But the kids are all willing.  I'm hoping my youngest will stop getting sick all the time, and my daughter is hoping her skin will be "BEAUTIFUL!"  I'm sure it'll help. 

This morning, I shoved a couple handfuls of spinach, two apples, a cup of ice cubes, a squirt of honey, and a splash of water (to get things blending) into the blender.  My son drank it up after an initial... "uh... I don't know if I like it...."  My daughter fell asleep in the car, so I ended up drinking hers (along with mine).  Edible, but not the best smoothie I've ever had...

I'll continue to post recipes and pics on my healthy foods adventures as time permits... 

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