Thursday, February 28, 2008

First Post... what's it all about?

So what's this blog about? Everything and anything related to home. It's what I do, everyday. As a beginning homeowner, I have so many projects going on to make our place livable and comfortable. I thought I'd document it here.

We paid so much for our house, that we have few funds left for those little repairs and renovations to make it a "home." So I improvise, I DIY, I reconstruct, and get a little dirty... okay, a lot dirty doing it. Recently I fixed a dripping toilet, and I KNOW there's a lot folks paying someone else big bucks when it can be done by an absolute beginner (like me) for about $10.00 and a couple hours. If you're a little more experienced in fixing stuff, you could get it done in just 30 minutes.

Just for comparison, here's what the average handyman will charge you:

- $60 for first hour (1 hour minimum)
- $40 for subsequent hours that day
- $15 for subsequent 1/4 hours (as opposed to rounding up to the next hour)
- $80/hour for night & holiday

Most handymen will have a 1 hour minimum fee.

Hmmm... I have 4 children to send to college, and am saving some bucks on these repairs. I think I'll stick it into the college saving funds... or maybe start a vacation fund... What we could do with the money!

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